Lectures and artist talks
Materiality and Immateriality: negotiating the role of the maker in the 21st century.
An interesting lecture given by Ian Monroe today.
I was a bit lost on some of the philosophical ideas but I started to understand the concept of ontology and how anything can be seen to be an object and exist as an actual thing. Probably a bad explanation but I will be researching some of the people and artists he mentioned including
Katie Patterson
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot
Janine Antoni
Mark Fischer
Jeremy Deller
Also mentioned was Ian Bogost and 'Alien phenomenology'
And Afro futurism. I recently saw the film Sun Ra so I'm intrigued to delve deeper into this as I wonder if I can get anything from it regarding my own stories and artistic practise.
I will also be looking at Ian MOnroes work as I feel an affinity with his work especially after my first piece 'Adam tries to get Geraints attention'
An interesting seminar with Geraint talking about how painting can break free from the canvas and move into other fields.
I've recently been looking at Anthony Caro and I didn't realise how influenced he was by american abstract painting in partictular Kenneth Noland( who I know very little of in fact). I find this cross over really exciting.
Methods and materiality.
Painting in the expanded field.
Cedar Lewisohn. Artists talk.
I came away from this lecture a bit angry. I felt as though Cedar was justifying the gang music videos as not harmful or influential to children. I disagree. Glorifying knife carrying and violence surely cannot be a good thing? I started to think its like Lord of the flies. We are in a consequent free and lawless environment for children and when the adult world sits back and does not protect children from these things, what are the kids to think?..It must be OK..
Hanaa Malallah: Art and Vivid Ruins
I enjoyed Hanaas lecture.
Looking at the current destruction of sacred sites in the Middle east made me think of a parallel in the UK. The Reformation must have been even more destructive. Now it is a distant memory and all the ruined abbeys are now great places for days out with a coffee shop and gift shop.
David Gryn – on curating
It was good to hear Davids advice on the art world and how to approach certain aspects of it, in particular film which is his main subject and Daata Editions. He said to send him a film if we had one. I will send him my 100 drawings/100 minutes film.
Maryclare Foa – on psychogeography
This was a really good lecture, with singing as well. I knew nothing of the word psychogeography but without realising I am very interested in the subject. I love to walk through London and take in sights and makes mental notes. My contextual practice essay was a walk through my fictitious town. I have also just made a new film.(link in my online research folio). A series of 30 second films of a walk through London snipped together with narration over the top.
I have an idea for something called a
Psychogeographic novel. I may copyright the term!